You can Save in multiple ways by supplying your own Solar energy! Keeping in mind every home is built differently which makes a difference in the amount of energy needed to run the home or cool/heat the home; but you can save on average 25-75% by going Solar.
You will experience monthly savings by supplying your own solar energy to your home, currently the energy rates/taxes are increasing every year by your utility company!
You will receive a net meter which will keep track of additional energy your system creates, that will be credited back to you for your use.
Life term of your Leased or owned system of 25yrs could save the typical homeowner $1,000’s or $100,000 based on a 5% increase by your utility company.
Adding solar to your home also improves the value of your home by 4-5%
For those who own vacation rentals or rental properties, this fixes those high energy bills, NO more increasing bills, you can pay the same amount every month cheaper than what you pay now!